DTI backs hot research

The Technology Programme led by the UK Department of Trade and Industry is supporting an initiative to develop high temperature electronics packaging solutions for down-well and aero engine applications.

The Technology Programme

led by the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is supporting an initiative to develop high temperature electronics packaging solutions for down-well and aero engine applications.

Electronic power and control systems in high temperature environments improve the accuracy of critical measurements and reduce the cost of cabling from remote and hostile locations. Typical environments include down-hole petroleum/gas/geothermal applications as well as turbine engines for aircraft propulsion and power generation.

This requirement has posed a challenge to the traditional limit of 125oC for high temperature exposure of electronics systems. Operating temperatures above 200oC - which are typical of these types of application - in combination with high pressures, vibrations and potentially corrosive environments mean that different semiconductors, passive components, circuit boards and assembly processes will be needed to fulfil the target performance specifications.

In order to address this challenge, the UPTEMP project has been formed with support from a £192,000 grant from the Technology Programme.

The project brings together Oxford University's Materials Department with a consortium of end-users. The consortium consists of Sondex Wireline, Vibro-Meter UK, electronics module manufacturer Micro Circuit Engineering and materials suppliers Thermastrate and Gwent Electronic Materials.

The UPTEMP project aims to demonstrate electronic packaging/assembly materials and processes for long term operation at temperatures up to 250


C on a representative circuit used in down-hole and aero engine applications. The project programme includes reliability analysis of the materials and processes.