Sensormetrix is a modern replacement for the venerable strip-chart

A modern replacement for the venerable strip-chart recorder, the Sensormetrix wireless-sensor system measures a wide range of physical properties and delivers real-time data to any Web-enabled device. The wireless-sensor Pods measure ambient temperature

A modern replacement for the venerable strip-chart recorder, the Sensormetrix wireless-sensor system measures a wide range of physical properties and delivers real-time data to any Web-enabled device.

The wireless-sensor Pods measure ambient temperature, humidity, light, noise, and vibration and automatically forms a secure, self-healing wireless-mesh network with a range as far as 1200m. The result is better transmission reliability and extended range.

Additionally the sensor Pods are compatible with a range of analogue and digital external plug-in sensors and probes, suitable for measurement of flow, pressure, RPM, contact state etc

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