LiteWave is a laptop sized HUD mounted above the pilot’s head which presents information, such as direction, altitude and speed, directly in their line of sight. Being smaller and lighter than a traditional HUD, LiteWave can be fitted in aircraft with even the most limited cockpit space. It’s also faster to install and its design makes maintenance quicker and cheaper.
Lee Tomlinson, director of HUD products at BAE Systems’ Electronic Systems business said LiteWave uses the same BAE Systems patented waveguide technology as LiteHUD, which is in service on multiple platforms.
“The key difference is that whereas LiteHUD has been designed to be installed in the dashboard of a cockpit, LiteWave has been designed to be installed and positioned above the pilot’s head,” he said. “Because LiteWave is 70 per cent smaller in size and weight compared to a traditional HUD, it can be installed on aircraft with even the most limited cockpit space.”
He added: “Another selling point is that LiteWave has an eye motion box at least three times the size of other HUDs, making it much easier for the pilot to use. It is also 80 per cent faster to install and its simple design with fewer components will save customers time and money in the future.”
LiteWave, manufactured at BAE Systems’ Electronic Systems site in Rochester, is now available to begin flight trials.
“The potential for LiteWave in the market is huge,” said Tomlinson. “The LiteWave product is categorised as a commercial product but has application in both commercial and military markets.”
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