Bremen awards €37m energy contract

A consortium comprising ThyssenKrupp Xervon Energy and Baumgarte Boiler Systems has been awarded €37m to build a new energy recovery plant in Bremen.

A consortium comprising

ThyssenKrupp Xervon Energy


Baumgarte Boiler Systems

has been awarded a contract to build a new energy recovery plant by Bremen public services, swb Erzeugung.

The plant will be engineered to incinerate alternative medium-calorie combustibles (medium CVs) and supply around 60,000 homes with electricity.

The contract is worth a total €37m and the plant scheduled to come on stream at the start of 2009. Under full-load conditions, the new plant will feed around 29MW into the swb Erzeugung grid.

With a steam output of 127t/h, 40 bar main steam pressure and 400 °C main steam temperature, this is the biggest ever incineration boiler engineered by Baumgarte Boiler Systems. ThyssenKrupp Xervon Energy will supply the water-cooled moving grate and its accessory equipment.