Building with BASF

BASF announced today that it has started construction of a new integrated production plant for process chemicals for the semiconductor industry.

BASF is investing millions of euros in the Electronic Material Centre Europe in Ludwigshafen, which will serve European customers. The centre is scheduled to open at the end of 2007 and will create 60 jobs in Ludwigshafen.

BASF produces electronic chemicals for the rapidly growing semiconductor industry and for the production of flat screens, another area that shows high growth rates. In addition to the Electronic Material Centre Europe, BASF is also building a clean room laboratory and an application centre in Ludwigshafen that will open in fall 2006.

Between 2005 and 2009, BASF is investing about €6b in Ludwigshafen for capital expenditures, modernisation and maintenance of its plants as well as an additional €800m per year in the research and development of modern processes and innovative products.