Machine manufacturer MAKA has an alternative optoelectronic protective device for its DC 7 machining centre. Alexander Hiller, who is responsible for the project, worked with Leuze electronic during the design process and made use of the sensor manufacturer’s range of safety consulting offerings.
The use of industrial safety technology for ensuring machine and system safety and occupational safety in the spirit of the applicable machinery directives requires a high sense of responsibility and sound expertise. Whether for new machines or for modifications to existing systems, the important thing for the designer is to integrate the safety technology into the machine in such a way that optimum productivity, ergonomics and profitability are achieved while incorporating and taking into account the relevant standards and regulations.
‘Archaic rules’ torn up to green light new nuclear
‘common sense’ approach! Has the government found a source of this rarity that they are able to employ? The NIMBYs are the government (" the...