The 10W & 20W/RM are entry level products effective for a number of applications.
The 12W & 20W/HS provides a full range of features that make the lasers suitable for a wider range of applications. The 20W ST has the same benefits but operates over a greater temperature range making it ideal for hotter climates.
The 30W/HM has a higher mode with a broader energy distribution and also has greater peak power for higher area coverage applications.
If you would like more detailed information on how our Pulsed Lasers work and what their applications are click here and then click on the application note entitled 'SPI Fiber Laser Pulsed MOPA'
For further information & to register for your FREE 30-day SPI Fiber laser evaluation unit, go to
SPI Lasers’ G3 Range offers great versatility and unparalleled quality which can provide the perfect laser for the desired application(s.
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Comment: Autonomous construction requires open data standards
The UK is particularly well served with topographic data thanks to the Environment Agency´s LIDAR programs, specifically the composite digital terrain...