Set up in collaboration with established names in the aircraft and aerospace engine industries, the Rotor Dynamics Consortium (RDC) aims to enable airframers and aerospace engine manufacturers to safely overcome the engineering challenges of more sustainable and efficient propulsion systems.
The consortium will build on finite element methods embedded throughout design, validation and safety certification workflows to apply next generation multiphysics simulations.
The RDC will meet to discuss and formulate strategies on how best to apply MSC Nastran - considered the most accurate digital alternative to physical testing - to overcome the challenges of engine rotordynamics and their downstream effects on airframe safety under different flight conditions.
As rotordynamics continues to evolve, achieving improved fuel efficiencies using the open rotor concept presents aerospace engine manufacturers with numerous challenges including vibration control, bearing design, and system stability.
The phenomenon of windmilling, particularly post fan bladeout (FBO), poses significant challenges for engine design and the related aircraft safety certification.
At the first RDC meeting members will present and discuss new simulation solutions to help the industry meet regulatory compliance and develop an industry standard that applies the first of several planned enhancements to rotordynamics solution sequence SOL 128 (Nonlinear Harmonics), released in MSC Nastran in May 2024, to improve windmilling analysis robustness and performance.
In a statement, Subham Sett, head of multiphysics simulation at Hexagon said: “The industry needs simulation technologies that enable rapid innovation and confidence that engineering decisions are correct. The launch of the RDC marks a significant step by leading aerospace manufacturers to pioneer new simulation methodologies that shorten development cycles and facilitate the delivery of more efficient propulsion systems.
“MSC Nastran plays a pivotal role in structural validation, and we are committed to investing in innovative technologies to support the consortium's roadmap. Whilst driven by aero engine requirements, expect the technology advances will also help underpin progress in automotive and energy turbomachinery applications.”
Members will present on the topics of Rotordynamics Methods and Modelling and Non-linear Rotordynamics during the ASME Turbo Expo 2024 in London. The RDC Consortium Kickoff meeting follows on June 28th, 2024 at the conclusion of the event.
Confirmed participants include Boeing, General Electric, Safran Aircraft Engines, Pratt & Whitney, Rolls Royce, Honeywell, MTU Aero and ITP Aero.
Companies wishing to take part in the RDC Consortium Kickoff meeting should contact
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