If you are involved in the supervision of turbines and other rotating machinery the recent publication of a free-to-download Turbine Supervisory Guide from condition monitoring and protection specialists SENSONICS will prove invaluable. This latest guide follows the very successful release of two previous publications from Sensonics covering Vibration Monitoring and more recently focussing on Seismic Monitoring.
The supervision of turbines and other similar machinery is critical in power plants to ensure their smooth and trouble-free operation. Many serious faults, which can cause the immediate shutdown of equipment and significant loss of income, can occur as a result of excessive vibration.
When a mechanical problem, such as a cracked rotor first emerges, it can often be detected and rectified with a planned safe shutdown before severe or even catastrophic damage occurs. This is where this comprehensive 21 page guide really helps as it outlines the importance of effective vibration, position and shaft speed monitoring as part of a turbine supervisory strategy in a clear and concise way.
The 6 part guide covers all the important aspects of Steam Turbine monitoring such as; Absolute Casing Vibration, Eccentricity and Relative Shaft Vibration, Rotor Differential Expansion and Shaft Position, Rotor Speed, Overspeed and Zero Speed, Casing and Cylinder Expansion, Valve Position and finally, why it pays to work with a company like Sensonics who offer over 50 years of experience in Condition Monitoring.
For your FREE copy, simply log on to: https://www.sensonics.co.uk/download-your-turbine-supervisory-guide
‘Archaic rules’ torn up to green light new nuclear
The piping I was referring to was for the supply <b>to</b> the local heating networks, as was implied by Trevor, from the (nuclear) power stations -...